Sunday, May 23, 2010


I waited for her to come pick me up, sitting on the curb in front of my house minding my own business. Cars went by, a gentle breeze in the air as rain was coming in soon. I listened to the birds chirping, the kids playing off in the background. No one could see me, as two cars were parked beside me.

I sat in between them. She knew where I was going to be, or at least I thought she knew.

Cars went by. None were her. I listened to the birds chirp again, then leaned back- letting my hands touch the dirt and grass. They felt wet, despite it not raining while I was awake. I assumed it had rained while I slept.

I let myself balance on my hands, leaning backwards. They dug into the soft, wet dirt and I realized I was going to be dirty now for when she arrived. Maybe it'll come off, I thought to myself.

I looked over and saw the kids playing, with no worries. Running around with a ball. Three little boys- at least at the distance- throwing a ball around. One was younger than the rest, substantially, and would start running around out of nowhere. They weren't sitting on the curb waiting, and worrying like I was.

I kept thinking- she won't come. She's forgotten me. But I knew better. I thought, maybe she can't see me- but I knew better. She'd find me- it's not like it was hard to find me sitting in between the parked cars. I was still visible.

I looked up at the sky to feel a raindrop hit my face. I leaned forward, my hands no longer in the dirt, and moved my hand to wipe it away- only to feel the dirt on my hand touch my face. It had stuck to my hand. I took my sleeve and wiped the spot on my face, only to see a streak of dirt now on my shirt. I started rubbing my hands together, only to find the dirt turning into a mud on my hands.

Then it suddenly began to storm.

Rain came down like a faucet had just turned on, and hit me like no other. I had no time to think, and by the time it did- the rain stopped as soon as it started. I was soaked.

Then I heard a car's horn, beeping. I looked up and saw her there, with a smile on her face- me standing there soaked, clothes now wet and dirty, my hands still with bits of mud on them, my hair dripping and no longer groomed like it was before.

She parked her car and watched as I walked inside. She understood. I had waited for her, she had to wait for me too. She was just hoping I could find her car parked among the others.

1 comment:

  1. Lovely. I like this one a lot. It seems you've improved in your writing.
