
My names is James Gabbard- I'm a Miami University gradated of 2010 with a BA in Communications (background in journalism). In 2009 A Simple Letter began as a place to display my short stories. That same year I published Short Story Collection I via Lulu, my first self-published work. In 2010 I announced I'd be self-publishing my second collection, entitled Death in Disguise, and would include others' work along with my own that was launched April 2011.

In 2011 I attempted to revamp the site as a place for freelance. In 2012, I continued this and saw a decline in the amount of freelance work- eventually focusing on writing in-depth articles.

Beginning in 2013 I started I Drew A Comic. I realized that with my love for creating things, A Simple Letter was better as being my hub rather than a be-all end all.

The site has now officially launched and the blog is going to go back to being just that, a blog about what I'm working on and keeping everyone updated on the work I'm doing.


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